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We found 55 dictionaries that include the word esp:

General dictionaries General (24 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP, esp: [home, info]
  2. ESP, esp: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries [home, info]
  3. ESP, esp: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info]
  4. esp: Collins English Dictionary [home, info]
  5. E.S.P, ESP: [home, info]
  6. Esp, esp: Wordnik [home, info]
  7. ESP, esp: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary [home, info]
  8. esp: Wiktionary [home, info]
  9. ESP, esp: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. [home, info]
  10. ESP, esp: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus [home, info]
  11. ESP: Infoplease Dictionary [home, info]
  12. ESP, e.s.p, esp: [home, info]
  13. ESP: Online Etymology Dictionary [home, info]
  14. esp: Cambridge Dictionary of American English [home, info]
  15. E.S.P. (Bee Gees album), E.S.P. (Bee Gees song), E.S.P. (Erick Sermon's Perception), E.S.P. (Extra Sexual Persuasion), E.S.P. (Miles Davis album), E.S.P. (TV series), E.S.P. (UFO), E.S.P. (song), ESP (Miles Davis album), ESP, Esp: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info]
  16. E.s.p, Esp: Rhymezone [home, info]
  17. ESP, esp: Stammtisch Beau Fleuve Acronyms [home, info]
  18. e.s.p, esp: Free Dictionary [home, info]
  19. e.s.p, esp: Mnemonic Dictionary [home, info]
  20. esp: WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info]
  21. ESP, e.s.p, esp: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info]
  22. E.S.P, ESP, esp: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info]

Art dictionaries Art (1 matching dictionary)
  1. ESP: Glossary of Science Fiction Jargon [home, info]

Business dictionaries Business (8 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP: [home, info]
  2. ESP: INVESTORWORDS [home, info]
  3. ESP: [home, info]
  4. ESP: Bloomberg Financial Glossary [home, info]
  5. ESP: Electronic Commerce Dictionary [home, info]
  6. ESP: Investopedia [home, info]
  7. E.S.P. (Single), E.S.P. (album), ESP: Financial dictionary [home, info]
  8. ESP: Glossary of Trade and Shipping Terms [home, info]

Computing dictionaries Computing (7 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing [home, info]
  2. ESP: Netlingo [home, info]
  3. ESP: BABEL: Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms [home, info]
  4. ESP: Webopedia [home, info]
  5. ESP: I T Glossary [home, info]
  6. E.S.P. (Single), E.S.P. (album), ESP: Encyclopedia [home, info]
  7. E.S.P: Encyclopedia [home, info]

Medicine dictionaries Medicine (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP: online medical dictionary [home, info]
  2. E.S.P. (Single), E.S.P. (album), ESP: Medical dictionary [home, info]

Miscellaneous dictionaries Miscellaneous (4 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP: Acronym Finder [home, info]
  2. ESP: Glossary of Terms in Parapsychology [home, info]
  3. ESP: The Skeptic's Dictionary [home, info]
  4. ESP: AbbreviationZ [home, info]

Religion dictionaries Religion (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP: Catholic Encyclopedia [home, info]
  2. ESP: Glossary of spiritual and religious terms [home, info]
  3. ESP: Irivng Hexham's Concise Dictionary of Religion [home, info]

Science dictionaries Science (1 matching dictionary)
  1. ESP: Cytokines & Cells Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia [home, info]

Slang dictionaries Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. E.S.P, esp: Urban Dictionary [home, info]

Tech dictionaries Tech (4 matching dictionaries)
  1. ESP: Basics of Space Flight Glossary [home, info]
  2. ESP: DOD Dictionary of Military Terms: Joint Acronyms and Abbreviations [home, info]
  3. ESP: National Weather Service Glossary [home, info]
  4. ESP: Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary [home, info]

(Note: See esps as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (esp)

noun:  (automotive) Initialism of electronic stability program.
noun:  (financial services) Initialism of equity shelf program.
noun:  (linguistics, education) Initialism of English for specific or special purposes.
noun:  (parapsychology) Abbreviation of extrasensory perception. [The supposed ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels.]
noun:  (ecology) Initialism of Environmental Sample Processor.
noun:  (psychology) Abbreviation of emotional, spiritual, and psychological. [An emotional person]
noun:  (Internet) Initialism of email service provider.
adverb:  Alternative form of esp.




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sixth sense (abbr.),   eerie gift (abbr.)

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